When is the Best Time for Air Conditioning Installation?

HomeBlogWhen is the Best Time for Air Conditioning Installation?

Here in Florida, you need to use your air conditioner almost year-round. This puts a lot of pressure on your system, and there will probably come a day when you need to replace your unit. We want to make sure you feel good about your decision to replace your air conditioner, so we’re going to give an overview of the best time to move forward with the air conditioning installation process.

When is the Best Time for Air Conditioning Installation?

We recommend replacing your air conditioner if it needs frequent repairs. It may also depend on how old your unit is – after your air conditioner is 10 years old or older, the likelihood of needing a replacement unit increases.

As for the time of year, we recommend starting the air conditioning installation process when it’s a little bit cooler outside. Since you won’t be able to use air conditioning while we do the replacement, it’s usually better to do it in the fall or winter. However, if you need to replace your air conditioner in the middle of the summer, we can definitely do this, too.

Although putting in a new air conditioner is an investment, you’ll likely notice a decrease in what you pay to cool your home the first summer you use it. Just make sure you choose a quality company known for their service when you do the replacement. At Reliant Heating and Air Conditioning, we’re professional, reliable, and guarantee to do a great job when we replace your home’s air conditioner. Contact us today!