A Gift for Your Heating System this Holiday Season!

HomeBlogA Gift for Your Heating System this Holiday Season!

The holidays are busy times full of family, friends, and visitors to your home. If you want your guests to be comfortable while dining, socializing, and opening gifts, ensure you take top-notch care of your heating system. Below are some steps to take to ensure a cozy, warm holiday season for you and your family.

A Gift for Your Heating System this Holiday Season!

  • Give your outdoor unit a cleaning: After fall comes and goes is an excellent time to clean your outdoor unit. Fall brings more falling leaves and debris than usual, which can easily become lodged in your outdoor heating unit. You can easily remove large pieces of debris yourself and get rid of any dust and dirt with a spray of the water hose. However, remember that nothing can replace a thorough professional cleaning of your HVAC unit!
  • Be sure to have a clean air filter: Company in your home means an excess of stirred-up dust. Ensure your heater runs to its full potential by regularly changing your air filter. This keeps your system working without straining itself, makes your heater run more efficiently, and lowers your utility bills.
  • Install a programmable thermostat: Our Florida weather fluctuates frequently; some days in December call for the heater, while others do not. Installing a programmable thermostat can help regulate your heater and keep temperatures where you want them. As a result, your heater will not waste energy when it isn’t needed, and at the same time, your home will stay warm and cozy.

Our professional team at Reliant Heating and Air Conditioning is here to help your family stay comfortable through the holiday season. From our family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!